School of Success (SOS)

Believes in bridging the gap between what students are already learning and what else is required. Our approach is based on dynamics of internal and external environments. External environments such as Social, Legal, Economical, Political, Technological etc largely impact our lives, while our internal eco system that consist of emotional patterns, belief systems, values and experiences etc. help us make our choces in life and are also responsible for response mechanism and experiences that we generate. Our experiential training sessions are designed to leave longlasting impacts at deep psychological levels. NLP (Neuro Linguistic Programming) and EI (Emotional Intelligence) tools has deeprooted longlasting impact on an individuals mind. To achieve these objectives, we operate on SEEK Psychology pattern. SEEK Psychology ensures that the objective of developing sensible, responsible and progressive mindsets is met. Life skill development at root level works when our children resourcefully shape up their priorities, perceptions and attitude and carries them in their journey !


(Mental Health Awareness Campaign) 

Free Mental Awareness  Seminars


Stress is oftenly a result of unsorted mind cluttered with various unwanted thoughts and beliefs.Today's age in spite of information explosion through internet due to ever growing competition, students are under continuous pressure of performing exceptionally well in exams along with handling of other emotional conflicts arising at the same time, making students prone to many stress related syndromes and disorders.

This seminar equips students with positive mindset and effective tools while dealing with such moments and conflicts. Neuro Linguistic Programming (NLP) explores the potentials of subconscious mind and equips our mind with constructive thoughts, unbreakable motivation and better focused approach towards clearly defined goals.


Attitude is often confused with behavior that we display; in reality our attitude lies much more at core level of our personality and is supported with perceptual patterns imprinted in our brain for a very long time, on the basis of which we perceive specific type of thoughts in order to respond in a specific manner when we face a situation, a person etc.

While attitude involves mind's predisposition to certain ideas, values, people, systems, institutions; behavior relates to the actual expression of feelings, action or inaction orally or/and through body language. This seminar takes us into the depths of our own self to discover our own perceptual patterns, value systems etc, making us self aware and better equipped with that winning attitude.


Failure is often seen as curse in an individual journey, especially till the time we have not succeeded or haven’t achieved anything remarkable. Failure comes with despair and disappointment when things might appear gloomy and unachievable; other way round, failure is also a great teacher that must be welcomed wholeheartedly. Failure or setbacks often comes with various inputs and vital information that otherwise were inaccessible.

This Seminar talks about importance of failure in our lives and teaches us that there is nothing to be ashamed about, the seminar equips us with the mindset that knows the importance of cherishing failure as much as we cherish success!our product or give more information.

For Queries Wats App +91 9873831234

I-Spark Club

Soft Skill Club based on annual subscription for students of 6-9 standards.

Objective of this club is to nurture progressive value and essential personality skills in students at right age that will help them excel not only in studies but at every juncture of their lives, will help them effectively manage themselves, their priorities and time, values and other multiple social and environmental dimensions; be smart and good at handling people; develop positive outlook for life and handle successes and failures with ease; be a better problem solver and become more expressive and better in managing their relationships; cultivate good habits and develop strong awareness at subconscious level to stay away from unhealthy practices in life!

Delivered to students in 3 levels i.e. “C, B and A” spread over a period of three years.

Every year consisting of 6 modules and every module consist of 6 sessions. So students will have 1 interactive session per week that is full of activities and assignments conducted by subject matter experts and certified trainers.

Students Develop / Cultivate

 Ability to express themselves effectively

 Overcome shyness/ hesitation in groups

 Creative bent of mind  Ability to concentrate and avoid distractions

 Healthy eating and dining habits

 Social awareness and etiquettes

 Cooperation and Sharing  Learn Sharp Memory Techniques

 Fast Reading Techniques  Writing Skills

 Healthy Competitive Spirit

 Dealing with Failures

 Dealing with Success

 Progressive Mind Set and Attitude

 Empathy

 Sensitivity towards environment

 Managing Stress  Self Awareness

 Emotional Awareness

 Healthy Relationships  Gratitude

 Respect for elders and younger ones  Negotiation Skills

 Interpersonal Skills

 Problem Solving and Decision Making

 Clarity

 Complete Career Orientation

For Queries  Wats App +91 9873831234 


(4Hours/ Workshop)

Workshop directly deal with mind set and thought patters  of students and deals with already settled values and beliefs.

Workshop aims at realigning these settled patterns with the help of psychological tools and approach like Neuro Linguistic Programming and Emotional Intelligence.

Audio Visual aids, self assessment worksheets and group activities and games are used to ensure great learning experience and lot of fun. 

The outcome is emotionally intelligent student who is flexible and empathetic in approach is able to deal with stress and manage his behavior in better way. 

For Queries Wats App +91 9873831234


Emotional Intelligence for Teachers
(4Hours / Workshop)

A teacher who is exceptionally good in the given subject but low in EI will not be able to generate interest of students for the subject, will not be able to connect with them and motivate them to for better indulgence. An emotionally intelligent teacher with clear intentions and right purpose is able to do so amidst all sorts of work pressures.

Such teachers are able manage stress and are equally good in dealing with student behavior with utmost empathy. This emotional connection between a teacher and a student stays forever; we all have few such teachers in our lives. For teacher though this emotional connect comes with lot of limitations, however a little extra effort can make this possible. Highly emotional intelligent teachers tend to motivate their students better and understand their students’ behavioral and psychological wellbeing. 

Teachers can really influence their students; it is important for an educational institution to develop teachers who are emotionally intelligent for the growth and development for both students and school. With such teachers, it can truly be an enlightening experience for the students. 

For Queries Wats App +91 9873831234


An individual journey can take off with a small spark of self motivation.

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